
...обречённый на вечную горечь утраты и вечное счастье быть собой (М. и С. Дяченко)
Attitude to LGBT people in the world have always been ambiguous, but in the Jewish world because of Judaism it always had certain nuances to facilitate the situation. More relaxed attitude to homosexuality in Judaism allows Jews to be not as puritanic as the members of the Christian community. However, centuries of religions flourishing anyway did not contribute to a positive attitude to any homo- and bisexuals, and even less, to transsexuals. They were persecuted, arrested, forced to undergo treatment - at best just ignored. The XX century, with the increasing forces of atheism and conversion of the states from religious to secular, brought LGBT out of hiding. The demonstrations and the active struggle for the rights of generations of human rights defenders that continue today, originated in the XX century. As a result, the state of Israel has officially recognized same-sex marriage, not to mention the progress, for example, the American diaspora. The aim of this work is to study and to describe how it was - going "out of hiding" for LGBT in the Jewish world: in Israel and in countries with a developed society of the Jewish Diaspora; to highlight trends in the problem of coming out and of the integration of LGBT people in the Jewish community today, and to explore the attitude of Judaism to the LGBT in order to derive the reasons that determined the current trends.

да-да, это про мою магистерскую. 0_0

28.11.2012 в 12:13

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
at best just ignored Вот с этого места можно подробнее? В смысле, мне кажется, что игнорирование сексуальной ориентации — это, в общем-то, норма и есть.
28.11.2012 в 15:47

...обречённый на вечную горечь утраты и вечное счастье быть собой (М. и С. Дяченко)
в плане игнорировали, не выделяя никаких возможностей в духе заключения брака, например. нет вас и не будет, и браков ваших нет.

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