...обречённый на вечную горечь утраты и вечное счастье быть собой (М. и С. Дяченко)
кошмар) написал третью, яойную часть готического ужаса
that boy was gothic beatiful
that boy was gothic sweet
i wanted to take his blood,
i say: "sweet look at me!
i'm a god!"
i was hungry i wanted to eat
i kissed his sweet lips
it was so much wonderful when we kissed
i maked the vampire from he
we drink blood together
we are together forever
in future i see
that boy was gothic beatiful
that boy was gothic sweet
i wanted to take his blood,
i say: "sweet look at me!
i'm a god!"
i was hungry i wanted to eat
i kissed his sweet lips
it was so much wonderful when we kissed
i maked the vampire from he
we drink blood together
we are together forever
in future i see
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